14th IDBF World Dragon Boat Championship – 4 Gold, 4 World Record
Between August 20-25, 2019 the PADS Adaptive Dragon Boat Team bagged 4 Gold and 4 World Record under the following categories:
- 200M – All PWD Team
- 200M – 50% PWD, 50% Able-Bodied
- 500M – All PWD Team
- 500M – 50% PWD, 50% Able-Bodied

Our 32 man team composed of coaches, managers, physical therapists, paddlers went to Pattaya-Rayong, Thailand to compete in what is considered to be the Olympics of Dragon Boat Sports and brought home the bacon for our country.

It was with pride that we walked up the stage and sang our national anthem out loud as we saw our national flag being raised.
Here are a few videos while we were at Thailand.
We would like to thank all those who support us. We would never have achieved this without you. Watch out for us in the news.
Photos during the event is available at our facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/PADSAdaptiveDragonboatRacingTeam/photos/a.741581579618046/741701529606051/?type=3&theater
Thank you very much for all your support. We could not stress this enough. Never tire of support our vision and mission of a disability inclusive society.